LED products work very well with electrical controls such as dusk-to-dawn sensors, daylight harvesting controls, timers, etc. On the other hand, a compact fluorescent (CFL) requires a non-electronic, or mechanical control. The problem using any control device with CFLs is voltage leak. Some photo controls actually leak a small amount of electrical current in the off position. The best way to test if your existing photocell is compatible with CFLs is to measure the voltage at the socket when the sun is shining brightly - a digital meter is required. The voltage should be 0.0VAC. When you see any other reading, it is possible that it is not compatible. Precision's dusk-to-dawn photocells work well with a CFL, LED, Solar or Induction lighting system. These types of dusk-to-dawn sensors work well with CFLs because they are either totally on or off and without current leak.
An excellent choice for use in 24 volt lighting applications where you are using Solar, Induction, LED or CFL lighting systems, the Precision LCA-624AW 24VAC dusk-to-dawn photocell offers you a wide range of applications. This photocell comes complete with a gasketed metal wall plate (2 3/4" x 4 1/2"), mounting screws and two nylon locknuts so the units will fit any standard outlet box. The 24V photocell is also designed for use inside compatible light fixtures or a standard outlet box, post lantern or wall pack that are 2" in diameter or larger. The photocell is equipped with a 3/8" - 18 threaded side mounting and the nylon lock nut is included. Each 24V sensor is designed to operate downstream from your 24 volt transformer. They turn on in the evening when light levels reach 1-3 footcandles and turn off in the morning when light level readings reach 1-5 footcandles. The 6" lead wires are color coded and the physical dimensions of the LCA-624A 24V dusk-to-dawn button photocell are 1 1/8 wide by 2 high by 1 3/4 deep (2" deep with threaded stem). They carry a 1 year warranty and are black in color.
Tips To Optimize Photocell Performance
Do not face the photocell into the midday sun. If the photo control is installed on the south side of a building, face the photocell east or west or point the photo control down toward the ground. The best direction to face the photo control is north.
Do not face the photocell where it can see artificial light. Light from windows, signs, street lights, etc., will cause the photo control not to switch on. The photo control should not be positioned so that it sees the light it is controlling (or reflected light - like off of your white siding or white painted soffit overhang). These conditions will cause the light to cycle on and off.
Do not install the photo control with wires up unless there is NO POSSIBILITY of water entering the photo control around the wires. The photo control must be installed in an approved weatherproof box. Do not attempt to caulk around the wires. Installing a Photocell below the box is WRONG! Photocells installed on top of the Box is RIGHT! Any Photo Control installed by the side of the weatherproof box is: ACCEPTABLE!
When you are testing the photocell, be sure to turn on the power (load will come on) and wait up to 5 minutes for the photocell to switch load off. For further testing cover the photo control completely with black tape or another dark material to simulate night conditions. If you can't cover the control with tape, try covering the photo control with the shipping carton to simulate night conditions.